

AACSB AOL Course Assessment Training was Successfully Held

Publish Time:2023-12-13   View:218

On the afternoon of 7th December, the AACSB Assurance of Learning (AoL) course assessment training meeting was held in 219 Huiquan Building. Associate Professor Jun QI, Assistant Dean of School of Management, was the speaker, and more than 30 teaching faculty who took the courses to be assessed attended the meeting.

Associate Professor Jun QI as the Speaker

Jun QI stated that AoL is a unique program-based learning assurance system based on the mission and vision of the school. She emphasized that the AoL process, starting from the development of CGs (Competency Goals) and LOs (Learning Objectives), to completing the curriculum mapping, to deciding on the assessment courses and tools, to collecting, analyzing and interpreting the data, to proposing curriculum reforms based on the results of the assessment, and closing the loop with the third round of assessment, which requires the full participation of all teaching faculty. It needs to ensure that the whole process is documented, all faculty are involved and that continuous improvement is made. Jun QI also gave examples of how to set up the CGs, how they relate to the mission of the school, and how to ensure feasibility and measurability.

AoL is not only an important part of AACSB accreditation, but also a key mechanism to drive continuous improvement in business schools. Through the assessment and feedback of student learning outcomes, business schools can have a clearer understanding of their teaching effectiveness and make targeted adjustments and improvements. In the previous period, SoM formulated the Competency Goals of each program as well as the curriculum mapping. At the beginning of the semester,  the assessment courses of this semester were determined, and assessment plans were made by the teaching faculty. Jiecong LI of the International Department analyzed the assessment plans submitted by the faculty and explained the main problems.

Training Scene

At the end of the training, Jun QI and the participating faculty discussed and exchanged views on the assessment of specific courses.

Image: Guitong CHEN

Written: Lianping CHEN

Edited: Zhouyuan WEI, Weiyuan HUANG, Jiecong LI

First Review: Lei LUO

Second Review: Jun QI