

Assistant Dean Qi Jun led International Affairs Office to Guangdong University of Foreign Studies for Research

Publish Time:2021-07-22   View:247

In order to improve communication and foster developments on international accreditation in SoM, the research team of International Affairs Office led by Assistant Dean, Qi Jun, went to the School of Business of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies for discussion and research. Ding Hao, the Associate Dean of School of Business of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, An FanSuo, head of human resource department; Liu TianJiao, supervisor of international accreditation and others participated in this seminar.

Research Symposium

In the beginning, Associate Dean Ding Hao expressed warm welcome to the research team. He introduced the present condition of international accreditation and the process of EPAS in SoB from five aspects below: characteristics of school, design of curriculum, mission & vision, international exchange, techniques of accreditation, etc. Besides, he pointed out the key issue that EPAS should pay attention to the correlation between school development with internationalization and social responsibility. Other participants also supplemented and shared some experiences on disciplinary construction, accreditation process, and other aspects.

Assistant Dean Qi Jun expressed highly recognition on the achievements of international accreditation in SoB of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. She also hoped that the two schools could strengthen communication, share experiences respectively and promote mutual development on international accreditation. What’s more, Assistant Dean Qi Jun introduced the condition of AACSB in SoM in three aspects: process of accreditation, school value, university characteristics, etc. Particularly for AACSB Accreditation, she mentioned that mission & vision of schools should be reflected in real condition, and believed that the strategy of university and school should be consistent. The two schools conducted in-depth discussions on the setting of international accreditation rules, university construction, on-site interview techniques, etc.

Exchange Souvenirs

Taking this meeting as an opportunity, the two schools hope to strengthen the communication on international accreditation process, push forward the normalization of sharing accreditation experience, enhance co-learning, and foster mutual cooperation and development.

Group Photo