

Dr. Carmen Taurino from International Office of UniSalento Visiting SoM Online

Publish Time:2022-07-22   View:102

Last week, under Erasmus+ KA107-2019 mobility project framework, Dr. Carmen Taurino from International Office of UniSalento, Italy, visited SoM online. Prof. Jun Qi, Assistant Dean and Director of International Affairs Office of SoM, Mr. Fei Xu, Section Chief of International Office of JNU, Mr. Lei Luo, Assistant Director of International Affairs Office of SoM, Ms. Tian Tian, Head of Academic Affairs of MBA Program Office, and Ms. Zhiying Zhou, Exchange Programme Coordinator, greeted Dr. Carmen Taurino and exchanged views on the internationalisation of the University and the School.


Jun Qi giving a welcome speech

Jun Qi expressed a warm welcome to Dr. Carmen Taurino's visit on behalf of the School. She said that Jinan University and the University of Salento have been cooperating for many years and both sides have rich experience in international affairs. She hoped to take this opportunity to further enhance the understanding between the administrative staff of both sides and learn from each other, so as to lay a good foundation for more exchanges and cooperation in the future.



Mr. Fei Xu introducing the development of internationalisation at Jinan University

Mr. Fei Xu briefed Dr. Carmen Taurino on the internationalisation of Jinan University and its plans. He mentioned that Jinan University has been committed to multi-dimensional international development, such as setting up overseas colleges and Confucius Institutes in the Belt and Road countries, introducing high quality education resources from overseas, initiating or participating in international exchange and cooperation alliances, and devoting itself to the training of students from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas Chinese. This is not only a strategic choice based on the origin and mission of Jinan University, but also a responsibility as a higher education institution in the pivotal city of the Belt and Road Initiative and the central city of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Dr. Carmen Taurino presented the special features of the University of Salento's international programs, such as the bursary programme for refugees and the Erasmus+ exchange programme, followed by a discussion on the impact of the Covid-19 on international exchanges between the two universities and the measures each has taken to deal with it.



Introduction of Internationalisation of SoM

Other participants from SoM presented Dr. Carmen Taurino with the internationalisation of the School from various dimensions such as international accreditation, international projects and international exchange, and both sides discussed these dimensions afterwards. Dr. Carmen Taurino said that the School of Management has clear goals and detailed plans for internationalisation and hoped that the University of Salento would continue to deepen its cooperation with the School of Management.

Finally, both sides expressed their expectations of more face-to-face exchange and learning opportunities in the future. This mobility aimed to promote mutual understanding and learning at the administrative level, so that both sides could better engage in their work, and also lay the foundation for further cooperation between the two sides.