

Dean of School of Management Wenjing LI led a delegation to attend the AMBA & BGA Asia Pacific Conference for Deans and Directors in Bangkok, Thailand

Publish Time:2023-11-28   View:247

From November 14 to 18, Wenjing LI, Dean of the School of Management, JINAN UNIVERSITY, Assistant Dean / International Department Director Jun QI and International Accreditation Assistant Jiecong LI attended the AMBA & BGA Asia Pacific Conference for Deans and Directors held in Bangkok, Thailand. The conference was jointly hosted by Chulalongkorn Business School and Thammasat Business School, more than 110 delegates from more than 70 institutions in more than 10 countries and regions in Asia-Pacific and around the world participated in the conference. During the conference, Wenjing LI received the award on behalf of the School of Management, JINAN UNIVERSITY and Jun QI was invited to discuss in the round table forum.

Wenjing LI Led A Delegation to Attend the AMBA & BGA Asia Pacific Conference for Deans and Directors

This conference featured 13 keynote speeches and 3 round table forums covering 6 major themes: “Best practices in business school innovation: digitalization and AI development”, “Life-long learning programme development and alumni career growth”, “Sustainable entrepreneurship and leadership development – the Silk Road network”, “Capacity-building for industrial partnerships and eco-systems for business schools”, “Approaches to ‘golden courses’ in terms of theoretical principles and practical skills”, “Responsible management and sustainability in business curriculum development”.

During the conference, Wenjing LI was invited on stage to receive the recognition of “Over 10 Years of AMBA Accreditation”. Among all the institutions in mainland China, only 12 received this recognition. This award is not only an affirmation of SoM’s achievement in its long-term commitment to enhancing business education quality, but also a milestone in SoM’s process to become  world-class business school.

Wenjing LI Recived the AMBA Recognition of Over 10 Years of AMBA Accreditation

Meanwhile, Jun QI, one of the four invited speakers from mainland China,participated in the round table forum on “Capacity-building for innovative course development in terms of theoretical principles, practical skills and employability”. Revolving around responsible management, UN SDGs, sustainable employability and other key points that AMBA concerns, she introduced SoM’s achievements in undergraduate accountancy youth leadership project, green innovation management, etc.. She pointed out that, drived by the mission of “fostering international business elites with excellent insights into Chinese culture”, SoM keeps up with the development trends in business schools worldwide, makes great contributions to implementing sustainability and life-long learning, and will further blend integrate the idea of sustainability into the future strategy of the school.

Jun QI Participated in Round Table Forum

2023 marks the 10th year anniversary of Belt and Road Initiative. SoM’s participation in this conference strongly proagates the Belt and Road spirit of mutual learning. It fully leverages Jinan University’s distinctive feature of “Overseas Chinese University + Prestigious University”, actively expands the global network for communication and cooperation in business education, proactively utilizes the international platform to amplify the voice of Chinese business education, further enhances the international reputation and influence of SoM, and contributes Jinan wisdom to serve national strategy and global development.

Conference Group Photo

Written & Image: Weiyuan Huang, Jiecong Li

Edited: Guitong Chen, Jiecong Li

First Review: Lei Luo

Second Review: Jun Qi